Ivory-billed Woodpecker (Campephilus Principalis)

Ivory-billed Woodpecker (Campephilus Principalis)
by Logan Parsons

Friday, January 12, 2007

Images from the Choctawhatchee

It has a red crest. It must be an Iv.... No, wait! (photo taken in town)

The beautiful Choctawhatchee.

Paddles down the river require constant vigilance for snags like these.

Palmettos abound in the undergrowth.

This American Bird Grasshopper is a far more effective user of camouflage than I am. (click on image for closer view)

This out-of-focus poison ivy plant has leafed out already. I likely contracted my case from one of the ubiquitous leafles vines in the forest.

This Cow Killer, or Red Velvet Ant (Dasymutilla occidentalis) is actually a type of wingless wasp. I was so enamored of its beauty that I handled it. Big mistake! It delivered an excruciating sting to my thumb. But then, I suppose I'd bite your thumb if you tried to pick me up.

Northern Cardinal.

A oft-occurring perspective of the wet, woody forest.

Gulf Coast Box Turtle

Note the girth of the Bald Cypress behind me. Note the girth of the belly of the Bald Eagle in front of the Bald Cypress!