Ivory-billed Woodpecker (Campephilus Principalis)

Ivory-billed Woodpecker (Campephilus Principalis)
by Logan Parsons

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Herps of the Choctawhatchee (deux)

This young gator thought it was eluding detection.

We have a gator pond right next to camp. Hunters have no compunction about taking potshots at them, so they've become quite wary in our area.

A Brown Water Snake languishing while digesting large prey.

This Rough Green Snake always hangs out by the cut-through to our camp.

Brown Water Snakes are some of the most common herps in the river system. Sadly, this harmless non-venomous species is often slaughtered unnecessarily by persons who mistake them for Water Moccasins. Even Water Moccasins (aka Florida Cottonmouths) are needless victims of pre-emptive murder; they, too, are generally not threatening in spite of their venom and their reluctance to budge in the presence of humans.

A gorgeous Gray Rat Snake.