A type of map turtle. According to range maps, we are just west of the range of the endemic (to Apalachicola) Barbour's Map Turtle, and just east of the range of the more widespread Alabama Map Turtle. Apparently we have both in here. Anyone wanna help ID this critter?
I caught this Green Tree Frog napping on a lazy southern afternoon.
This is, best as I can tell, a Gulf Coast Spiny Softshell Turtle.
Though I generally eschew "disturbing the wildlife" I couldn't resist the opportunity to pick up this silver-dollar-pancake-sized young Yellow-bellied Slider. Cute li'l devil!
A charismatic and cooperative River Frog.
I think that this grumpy-looking animal is a Loggerhead Musk Turtle.
Green Anoles are masters of camouflage. They appear to be bright green against leafier backdrops.